
this is the song that never ends...yes it goes on and on my friends...some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they'll just keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


as my first semester of graduate school comes to an end, i look back and reflect on....nothing, actually, i was so ridiculously busy the whole damn time with 2 jobs and school that the last couple of months of just scurried by without me looking up to notice. like squirrels.

so instead, let's talk about squirrels. they're more interesting that grad students anyways, but probably more savvy. i bet squirrels are secretly (or maybe not so secretly) planning on taking over planet earth and we're just sitting around like lab mice producing results for them. squirrels are clever that way, they're everywhere and yet so conspicous that no one really pays them any attention - which is probably what they want. i think the following article made me aware of the secret underworld of squirrel yourself before it's TOO LATE!!!


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