Whispers in the night
The stars are swept,
are swept away
The stars are swept,
are swept away,
The stars are swept,
are swept away,
And I shine down,
shine down instead.
The moon whispers
to the winds,
"I'll caress you gently
Caress your lips"
The winds, they blush and
Blow the moon astray
The stars are swept,
are swept away.
The clouds, they wept
They wept last night
As the waters ran wild
Into the rivers and streams.
The trees sighed, drooping to their fate
Boughs heavy, under the weight
My knees were scraped,
My body ached
My sides bursting at the seams
The fog seeped through the cracks
Fading into the concrete walls
Leaving behind a dewy scent
Like bare legs on morning grass in the Fall
"Shut the windows, shut your doors"
Cries were heard down the streets
"The mist is coming, it's coming this way,
Don't you see the stars, swept away?"
whispers in the night